

2012년 9월 27일 목요일

Senate passes sportsmen's bill in 84-7 vote

Allisa Hwang Eun Sol

This article is about the sportsmen's bill that can help Democratic incumbent was passed. The bill is about allowing hunters to bring back 41 polar bear carcasses from Canada as big game trophies. The bill also permits more hunting and fishing on federal lands and let bow hunters cross federal land where hunting is not allowed.  Other provisions encourage federal land agencies to cooperate with sate. They also encourage local authorities to maintain shooting ranges, exclude ammunition and tackle from federal environmental laws that regulate lead, boost fish populations and protect animal habitat. This bill was passed in 84-7 vote. 

I think this law will kill many animals since this is allowing and permitting more hunting and fishing. So I don't agree on this bill. This bill was passed in 84-7 vote, means 84 agreed and 7 did not. I think these 84 may all Democratic Party, because this bill can help Democratic Party. 

2012년 9월 21일 금요일

Police begin enforcing controversial Arizona immigration measure

Allisa Hwang Eun Sol

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer listens to a question from a media member about the Supreme Court's decision on SB1070 in Phoenix, Arizona, June 25, 2012. REUTERS/Darryl Webb

Arizona police began to enforce a controversial "show-your-papers" provision of a state law to illegal immigration as civil rights groups prepared to document allegations of racial profiling. By this, now police in the border state with Mexico have power to check anyone they stop for any reason and suspect of being in the country illegally. Karen Tunmlin, who manages attorney with the National Immigration Law Center, said that "It's definitely a new phase, and one where we'll be looking very carefully to monitor for civil rights violations in the state".

I think checking whether people are illegal immigrants or not is good, but that should not invade human rights. So I think they should have to protect human rights very well. And I think there should not be any segregation to immigrants. 

2012년 9월 13일 목요일

Vietnam prime minister targets anti-government blogs

Allisa Hwang Eun Sol

This article is about Vietnam prime minister punished three bloggers who wrote bad things about government, especially the prime minister. so the author of this article says it may be the reason why the prime minister punished them. 

I was surprised that Vietnam blog and computer. I thought Vietnam is very undeveloped country, but actually it was more developed than i thought. I think people who write malicious think should be get punished. There are many people who suicide by that malicious comment or internet bullying. So I think the government should punish those people.  

2012년 9월 6일 목요일

Romney Chooses Ryan for Republican Ticket

Allisa Hwang

This article said that Mitt Romney selected Representative Paul Ryan as his running mate for the November election. This article is supporting Romney and Ryan. Especially this article focused on Ryan, and it said "He is the first member of the House of Representatives in almost 30 years to be on a major-party presidential ticket."

I think Romney chose Ryan well. I think Ryan is a good and amazing person. The thing made me surprise was that he is the same age as Romney's oldest son. I don't know that well about American candidates, but my favorite candidate is Romney.