

2012년 11월 29일 목요일

Egypt's Morsy to meet with top judicial body days after claiming new powers

Allisa Hwang Eun Sol

published November 26, 2012
by CNN Wire Staff

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This article is about Egypt and their president. Egypt's president, Mohamed Morsy, recently declared a decree that slashes judges' authority as an "unprecedented attack", and reinforce presidential powers. Egypt's highest judicial body slammed his decree. Morsy's office said that his decree is aimed at "preserving the impartiality of the judiciary... to avoid politicizing it". Some judges, like nongovernmental group Judges for Egypt, has denounced calls for a strike. however, another judicial group, the general assembly of the Egypt Judges Club, has called for just such a nationwide strike in all courts and prosecution offices. The division has already taken its tool on Egypt's economy, with the country's toke market closing almost 10% lower Sunday at the end of the trading day, the market's first since Morsy's power consolidation. 

I think think presidential power should not be reinforced, because I think president has enough strong power even now. Their term is six years, and I think this is one of things that shows president of Egypt has stronger power than other presidents have. And as we saw, Egypt's economy is becoming harder because of the situation. So I think president should stop doing that, and make everything in order. 

2012년 11월 15일 목요일

Free college tuition for third child: Park

Allisa Hwang Eun Sol 

published  November 14, 2012
by Samuel Songhoon Lee 
Korea Herald

This article introduced Saenuri Party presidential candidate Park Geun-hye's new policy. Her new policy was focused on women, family, and their children. Her biggest promise was giving free college tuition for third child. She  promised to assistance in the buying milk powder and diapers for low-income families, expansion of obstetric clinics in rural areas, and increase of day care assistance. Also she talked about women's equal rights. She said "The knowledge-based society of 21st century is an era in which how women's potential is utilized will determine the competitive edge of the nation. I will create a society where women are worked and judged equally as men". The two key strains of Park's policy were fighting discrimination against women, creating an environment friendly to child-rearing and non-traditional families.  

I think many law-income families and women with three children may vote for her. I think this is a good promises, but I'm not sure those would be actually become true. Many university students are having some movements or campaigns to reduce college tuition. So I think if she has that much money to give free college tuition for third child, than it will be better to reduce some of college tuition. There are more people who wants to reduce college tuition, so she will get more supporters than give all college tuition for third child. 

2012년 11월 8일 목요일

Maryland voters to decide whether in-state tuition applies to illegal immigrants

Allisa Hwang Eun Sol

published November 02, 2012
by Douglas Kennedy
Fox News

This article introduces a men. He is a university student, and he was the top of his high school class. However, he had a difference with other friends. That difference is that his parents are illegal immigrants. He and his family came to America when he was 12 years old. Even he is an immigrants, he doesn't feel any differences from his "legal" classmates in the state. He feels like he is a fully American. But there are some worries that says opening door for people like him to receive in-state tuition could invite a mass "giveaway" to illegal immigrants at taxpayers' expense. Maryland voters are deciding the issue. By this, whether illegal immigrants can receive in-state tuition rates at state colleges will be determined. For this, anti-immigration groups contested the law and collected enough signatures.

I think illegal immigrants should get in-state tuition, because they usually don't have money. For the most part, the came America to earn money. If in-state tuition is not given to illegal immigrants, they may not able to go to the universities. Then, they may not get good jobs with good pays, then finally they may be still poor. If it passes, many people will try to use it inappropriately, but if the state makes another law to stop that, then it will be fine. So I think in-state tuition should be given to illegal immigrants. 

2012년 11월 1일 목요일

Man uses Google to get info of nearly 9M people

Allisa Hwang Eun Sol

- from Korea JoongAng Daily

This article is about an unemployed 37 years old man amassed almost 9 million people's personal information in the past two years. He, who has no expertise in computer hacking, could amass that much information by googling. He could gain access to certain managerial areas of web sites by putting "admin" into the Google search bar along with names and personal information of site membersPolice arrested him for illegally compiling nearly 8.84 million personal profiles from over 100 web sites. Police also said about the sites that was hacked that they are investigating if the sites paid no attention on personal information, and if there is any infringement, they will give criminal penalty to them. 

When I read is article first, I was very surprised that he had no expertise in computer hacking, but only used Google. Than, I was surprised again at amount he hacked. I think he is worth to be punished. We have right to private, and he invaded it. Also, I think it is right for site owners to be punished, too. The article says that the information could be protected if site owners putted more attention to security.