

2012년 11월 8일 목요일

Maryland voters to decide whether in-state tuition applies to illegal immigrants

Allisa Hwang Eun Sol

published November 02, 2012
by Douglas Kennedy
Fox News

This article introduces a men. He is a university student, and he was the top of his high school class. However, he had a difference with other friends. That difference is that his parents are illegal immigrants. He and his family came to America when he was 12 years old. Even he is an immigrants, he doesn't feel any differences from his "legal" classmates in the state. He feels like he is a fully American. But there are some worries that says opening door for people like him to receive in-state tuition could invite a mass "giveaway" to illegal immigrants at taxpayers' expense. Maryland voters are deciding the issue. By this, whether illegal immigrants can receive in-state tuition rates at state colleges will be determined. For this, anti-immigration groups contested the law and collected enough signatures.

I think illegal immigrants should get in-state tuition, because they usually don't have money. For the most part, the came America to earn money. If in-state tuition is not given to illegal immigrants, they may not able to go to the universities. Then, they may not get good jobs with good pays, then finally they may be still poor. If it passes, many people will try to use it inappropriately, but if the state makes another law to stop that, then it will be fine. So I think in-state tuition should be given to illegal immigrants. 

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